Uncertain Phases

Uncertain Phases


Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen



In the mon­u­mental metal “Ge­nieloods” shack the enig­matic ex­hi­bi­tion Un­cer­tain Phases by artist Timo Nasseri (Germany, 1972) is shown. Nasseri lands a won­drous con­stel­la­tion of metic­u­lously crafted ob­jects. The sculp­tures and sketches – spheres, towers and pat­terns made out of wood, steel, strings, copper and pig­mented paper – sprout from Nasseri’s own math­e­math­ical lan­guage. Both ab­stract and imag­i­na­tive, the works re­mind us of as­tro­nom­ical and mu­sical in­stru­ments, mil­i­tary de­vices and sci­en­tific tools. Com­bining Is­lamic and western cul­tural her­itages, Timo Nasseri’s work is in­spired as much by per­sonal mem­o­ries and re­li­gious ref­er­ences as by uni­versal ar­che­types de­scribed in lit­er­a­ture and phi­los­ophy.

Re­cent solo ex­hi­bi­tions in­clude All the let­ters in all the stars at the Maraya Art Center in Sharjah (2017), I saw a broken Labyrinth at Ab/nbar Gallery in Tehran (2017), Flo­renz – Bagdad at Ar­beit­erkammer in Wien (2016), The more be­neath my feet the skies I see at Sfeir- Semler Gallery in Ham­burg (2015). Un­cer­tain Phases is Nasseri’s first ex­hi­bi­tion in the Nether­lands and fits the Kun­st­fort’s am­bi­tion to in­te­grate in­ter­na­tional prac­tices into their site-spe­cific and sci­encefic­tion in­spired pro­gram.


Fortwachter 1
2141 EE Vijfhuizen
Ned­er­land (NL)
+31 (0) 23 5589 013

CoC Haarlem 34159572

* Tue-Sun 13–17 (Mon/hu closed)

Kunstfort of­fice is open from mon-wed (9-17)